is with great amazement I notice that Christians leaders endorse
Trump and even see him as a man sent from God to save America and prophesy he will be the next

U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump addresses The Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road To Majority" conference in Washington, U.S., June 10, 2016.

was among almost 1,000 prominent evangelicals leaders convened by
the organizations “United in Purpose” and “My Faith Votes”,
who recently was making a pilgrimage to Trump Tower to "listen"
to Donald. He proudly twitted this photo, with Trump between him and his wife,
and a Playboy Cover of the host, at right of her!
clear that Trump is seeking political salvation from evangelical leaders weeks before election and he even announces that he has got an "Evangelical Advicer Board".
the few women in the “Advisory Board” was evangelist Paula White,
who knows Trump from earlier meetings. She attended also the meeting in New
York. James Dobson, another Trump “Advicer” and the past president of “Focus on the Family”, said publicly that he had recently heard that
Paula “personally led Trump to Christ”, but later when
he was asked about details, he was not sure what had happened...
the meeting Paula White lay hands on Trump and pray:
“Father, we
just secure him right now by the blood of Jesus. We thank you that no
weapon formed against him would prosper, and any tongue that rises
against him would be condemned, according to the word of God,”
Robert Jeffress on the stage with Trump.
Jeffress is the leader
of the influential 12,000-member First Baptist Church in Dallas,
Texas. He is in the same “Advisory Board”. - If you do not vote for
Trump, he declare to The Christian Post: "I think the Bible has
a word for people like that — it's fools,".
He compare Obama with Antichrist: "For the first time in history
a president of our country has openly proposed altering one of
society’s (not to mention God’s) most fundamental laws: that
marriage should be between a man and a woman. While I am not
suggesting that President Obama is the Antichrist, the fact that he
was able to propose such a sweeping change in God’s law and still
win reelection by a comfortable margin illustrates how a future world
leader will be able to oppose God’s laws without any
another Baptist pastor, outgoing Southern Baptist Convention
President Ronnie Floyd
say after meeting with Trump, that faithfulness to
the gospel was a priority, and therefore he will not endorse him. He visit
Donald in this board room and calling Trump out on his sins and
demanding repentance! That was not a seed falling into “ good
ground”, and Trump in one of his many infamously angry twitters respond:
know what Tiny Ronnie? You're fired. How stupid can you be, coming
into my board room telling me about sin and repentance? I think
you're a very, very ineffective pastor. In fact, you're all fired.
All 15 of you televangelists. Go home. Go fleece some more grannies
for 'seed money'. Get out."
He has declared that he never asked God for forgiveness because he could handle things himself. It should be interesting to know what the “televangelists” that
support Trump think about this attitude... No “seed money” from the self proclaimed billionaire!
And it seams that Trump who do
not like big "fat ladies”, do not like a “Tiny man” either...
An eye for an eye.
Is well known, that Trump’s connection to evangelical beliefs is weak,
at best.
has never before expressed any serious connection to the Bible or
even a basic understanding of it. He call one of his own book
“the best in the world”. After being presidential candidates he claim that “the Bible is my favourite book”, but he was not able to
cite his favourite verse. Some months later he came up with “an eye
for an eye” from Exodus 2, as his favourite Bible quote!?
Trumps Church
has made occasional holiday appearances at the Marble Collegiate
Church in Manhattan. Marble earned fame because of its half-century
of leadership by
Norman Vincent Peale, known best for blending pop
psychology with spirituality in a form of Christianity center on
the self. As a child, Trump toddled along with his family to Peale’s
sermons, hearing such messages as the one that opens the pastor’s
best-selling book The Power of Positive Thinking: “Believe in
yourself!” He clearly learned that one.
as Jeb Bush stated during the primaries; Trump has never cared about
anyone other than himself. Since he has made a career out of an
egotism without borders, he has no problem to brag about himself like
a child in the kindergarten: ”I have a big brain.” “I advise myself.” “I am very, very rich,” and on and on...
Defender of the Christian faith?
to his inability to tolerate criticism, vindictiveness toward his
opponents, his bullying and public insults, and his inappropriate and
offensive public rhetoric, psychologist has diagnosis him with “a
narcissistic personality disorder”. A personality “characterise by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for
admiration and a lack of empathy for others.”
Trump is known to be; unstable, obsessive,
vindictive, narcissistic, and cruel. A person who crass insults
enemies in every shape and form. Hungry for money, praise, and
celebrity and therefor ruthless and single-minded pursuit profit, and
lack interest in anything beyond power and money. For a more comprehensive mental analysis, read: Profile Of A Sociopath
Proven dishonesty.
will be interesting to ask Trump what of the Ten Commandments, he favour?
Clearly, “thou shall not lie” is not one of them.
a lie, but who cares? ”, is a phrase he loved, a biographer of
Trump revealed.

He is
regard as a serial and compulsive (pathological) liar.
Even a extensive web page is only about Trump a liar!
Even a extensive web page is only about Trump a liar!
It has been proven that he lies under oath in several court cases. Donald
Trump is Named in at Least 169 Federal ongoing Lawsuits, and is famous for
seeking revenge against anyone who opposes him by suing them in
The New York Times published an investigation about
his business dealings and
discovered, that Trump was a defendant in literally
thousands of law suits, primarily brought by service providers and
vendors whom he failed to pay for services rendered to him. His dishonesty in his business dealings is shocking and unprecedented for
a presidential candidate.

Trumps worst scandals.
Some days ago he twitter, around 5 in the morning, about Miss Universe and her alleged sex tape, - a presidential candidate!?
But he has no problem to call himself: the greatest representative of the Christians!
Trump has no problem to sell
himself as a defender of America Christianity, and told CBN’s David
Christians are being treated horribly because we have nobody to
represent the Christians. Believe me, if I win, I will be the
greatest representative of the Christians they’ve had in a long
Consider the fact I have briefly mention above;
A less able presidential candidate to be “the greatest representative of the Christians” is hard to imagine.
HOW can evangelicals think that his sudden support for Christianity is anything else that a transparent attempt to bamboozle the faithful?
A less able presidential candidate to be “the greatest representative of the Christians” is hard to imagine.
HOW can evangelicals think that his sudden support for Christianity is anything else that a transparent attempt to bamboozle the faithful?
not so. Many Christians support Trump so he can lead the US to his political "promised land".
In the next blog, we will look at how/why they argue for Trump, but also how other Christians see this as great harm to Christian public witness!